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If you are visiting for the first time, welcome to our chat forums and free chat community.

Create a nickname by clicking [color=#FF4500]Register[/color] Its 100% free! You have to be 13 years old or over to register. Anyone under 13 years old will be banned and deleted.

And start posting and chatting with many other chatters using our chat forums, send private messages to other user and many other features available here on our free chat forums.

If you have already registered here are a few simple guidelines to follow on using our free chat forums.

Please do not register to advertise other sites or products or anything without the approval of the site administrator. No linking to other sites anywhere, that includes but not limited to private messages, visitor messages, signatures, posts, etc.. If you are interested in advertising or affiliating opportunities with UltimateChatforums please contact: Permanent server bans will be issues to users who violate this guideline. A server ban will mean you can not access any of our chat site. Do not risk it as ultimateChatforums is a growing chat site.
Do not post information such as you phone number or address in these forums. Everything you post in the forums is public. Please use your private messages as those are private and no one else can see them but you and the other person.
Illegal/mature/obscene material or content is NOT allowed anywhere in this site. This is a clean chat site that welcomes people from 13 years old and up. If you post this type of material it will be removed and your account will be banned. Do not create multiple accounts. One account per person is enough. We do not delete account nicknames. If you no longer wish to use our free chat forums simply don't log in to your account anymore and your account will no longer be used.

We reserve the right to edit, remove, or delete any material we do not find appropriate.

lastly remember to have fun!! Smile